eco3spa Step 3 Cold Tub Sanitiser Granules

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This is a tub of rapidly dissolving multi-function sanitiser granules that produce Active Oxygen to gently destroy harmful bacteria and organic impurities.

These sanitising granules will not irritate skin or eyes and will not damage tub covers, pillows or equipment.

In addition to their bacteria killing properties, these tablets contain proprietary but eco-friendly additives to assist with clarifying the water.

Use these granules before each cold tub use....

  1. Use eco3spa Step 3 Cold Tub Water Sanitiser immediately after adding eco3spa Step 2 Cold Tub Water Conditioner and prior to each use of your cold tub.
  2. Use 5g of sanitiser granules (approximately a teaspoon full) for every 300 litres of water in your cold tub. and always pre dissolve the granules in a small amount of warm water prior to use.
  3. If you do not use your cold tub, apply a maintenance dose of the same quantity of sanitiser weekly.
More Information
Price £37.95
Active Ingredients Undiluted granules contain pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate), dipotassium peroxodisulphate, potassium hydrogensulphate.
On reaction with water hydroxyl and sulphate ion radicals are generated with benign bi-products.
EAN Barcode 0726436653473
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